Transaction Types

Transaction Types

Normalised Transaction type and subType combinations.

CashTransactionBankTransactionTransaction applied against a bank account
CashTransactionBuyTradeTransaction relating to the purchasing of a financial asset EG: Shares, Bonds etc
CashTransactionChargeTransaction relating to a fee
CashTransactionDepositMonies added to the account
CashTransactionExternalTransferA transfer of monies between accounts under the same portfolio.
CashTransactionInterestInterest paid on a cash management account
CashTransactionInternalTransferA transfer of monies between accounts under the same portfolio
CashTransactionNotSpecifiedUnspecified cash transaction
CashTransactionRebateTransaction relating to a rebate/refund
CashTransactionSellTradeTransaction is the result of the proceeds of the sale of a financial asset.
CashTransactionTaxPayableTransaction related to a tax liability
CashTransactionTaxReliefTransaction related to a tax relief received
CashTransactionWithdrawalMonies removed from the account
CorporateActionAdjustmentTransaction relates to the correction of a corporate action
CorporateActionBonusIssueAlso know as a scrip issue or a capitalisation issue, is an offer of free additional shares to existing shareholders
CorporateActionDividendMonies received from an investment. Likely stock.
CorporateActionConsolidationTransaction related to the consolidation of stock by the issuer
CorporateActionConversionA conversion corporate action
CorporateActionCouponA coupon payment from a bond
CorporateActionDemergerAlso known as a spin-off. A corporate action in which a business unit or a part of a larger company is carved out and listed as a separate company on the stock exchange.
CorporateActionDistributionA distribution payment from an investment
CorporateActionDRPDividend Reinvestment Plan
CorporateActionExtinctionManaged Fund liquidation
CorporateActionFundNameChangeTransactions relating to the change of a fund name
CorporateActionMergerThe merger of two stocks into one as the result of a company takeover
CorporateActionReturnOfCapitalTransaction related to a return of capital corporate action
CorporateActionRightsIssueTransaction relates to a rights issue
OtherCompensationTransaction relates to the correction of an error
OtherCorrectionTransaction relates to the correction of an error
OtherDelistingTransaction related to the removal of a listed security
ProductTransactionBuyTradePurchase of units in an exchange traded instrument
ProductTransactionInternalTransferThe movement of an asset between accounts within the same portfolio
ProductTransactionIPOInitial Public Offering
ProductTransactionManagedFundTransactionTransaction relating to the purchasing/selling of units in a managed fund
ProductTransactionNotSpecifiedUnspecified product transaction
ProductTransactionOverUnderTradeA corrective trade
ProductTransactionSellTradeSale of units in an exchange traded instrument
ProductTransactionStockOfferTransaction related to the offering of stock
ProductTransactionSwitchTradeTransaction relating to the switching of units in a managed fund
ProductTransactionTenderOfferTransaction relating to a tender offer
ProductTransactionTransferInTransfer of assets into an account
ProductTransactionTransferOutTransfer of assets out of an account