Basic Details Fields


The first step to creating an Application on the Platform is capturing your Application's basic details. The table below gives a details description for each of the fields.


Type = Dropdown

All Applications are created in the context of an Organisation which represents your company on the Platform. See Create an Organisation for more details.
Application NameMandatory

Type = Free Text (Max Characters = 100)

The name of your Application. If your Application is to appear on an App Store this name should be meaningful to end-users.
SummaryType = Free Text (Max Characters = 110)

A brief summary / tag line for your Application. This will be used to in App Stores to promote your Application to end-users.
CategoryType = Dropdown

The main category / service that your Application provides. This will be used to segregate and support filtering and searching in App Stores. Making it easier for end-users to find your Application.
DescriptionType = Free Text (Max Characters = 10,000)

A detailed description of your Application. The copy and the formatting applied will be displayed in the App Stores to promote your Application to end-users.

NOTE: Hyperlinks to videos hosted on your site, youtube etc can be added as part of the description.
Website URLType = Free Text (Max Characters = 254)

Your Application's / Organisation's website URL. This will be displayed as a hyperlink in App Stores for those end-users that wish to research more about your Application.
Terms and Conditions URLType = Free Text (Max Characters = 254)

The URL to your Application's Terms & Conditions. This will be displayed as a hyperlink in App Stores for those end-users that wish to research more about your Application.
Privacy Policy URLType = Free Text (Max Characters = 254)

The URL to your Application's Privacy Policy. This will be displayed as a hyperlink in App Stores for those end-users that wish to research more about your Application.
Support Contact EmailType = Email

Your Applications support email. This will be displayed as a hyperlink in App Stores for those end-users that wish to contact your organisation directly.
Application LogoType = Image (png or jgp)

Size Restriction = 512px x 512px (Be mindful of borders. They will add to the overall size of your logo)

Your Application's logo. This will be displayed in App Stores to promote your Application to end-users.
MediaType = Image (png or jgp)

Size Restriction = 1600px x 900px or 900px x 1600px (Be mindful of borders. They will add to the overall size of your logo)

Additional images that will be displayed in App Stores to promote your Application to end-users.
OAuth - Redirect URLType = Free Text (Max Characters = 254)

Please see Single Sign-on for details on how this field is to be used.
OAuth - Post Logout Redirect URLType = Free Text (Max Characters = 254)

Please see Single Sign-on for details on how this field is to be used.
API Credentials - Client IDPlease see API Authentication for details on how this field is to be used.
API Credentials - Client SecretPlease see API Authentication for details on how this field is to be used.
Signing SecretThis field is used for Signed URLs and Webhooks.
Sign-Up URL / Sales EmailIf your Application supports a digital onboarding journey. The Sign-up URL is the link to this journey within your Application. Alternatively if your Application does not support digital onboarding please see Sales Lead Emails as a possible option.
Landing Page URLMandatory

Type = Free Text (Max Characters = 254)

The URL to your Application's Landing Page. This will be mapped to the "Go to App" buttons within the App Stores. This is where end-users will land in your Application when navigating from the App Store not in the context of a deeplink.
Consent Request Callback URLMandatory

Type = Free Text (Max Characters = 254)

Please see Consent Journey - App Store for details on how this field is to be used.
Deeplink(s)Type = Free Text (Max Characters = 254)

Please see Contextual Deep Linking for details on how this field is to be used.