API Terms of Service

API Terms of Service

These API Terms of Use set out your obligations when you use APIs powered by Tapico. They form part of the contract between you and the platform or marketplace operator (“Operator”) which provides the APIs to you. Terms defined in that contract (the “Agreement”) have the same meaning in these terms of use.

Where your App makes use of the APIs, you warrant, represent and undertake:

  • you will not sublicense, rent, lease, frame or otherwise make available the APIs to any third party other than as part of your App;
  • you will ensure that your use (and that of your Clients and End Users) does not interfere with or disrupt the operation of the APIs or any Platform, or have a detrimental impact on their use by any other users or apps;
  • you will not seek to circumvent any security, fair use, throttling or similar measures which are in place to monitor or control usage of the APIs (and you shall not exceed any data, rate, API call frequency, usage or other limits or thresholds set out in the technical documentation provided by the Operator or Tapico), or introduce or seek to exploit any vulnerability in or via the APIs;
  • you will not, save as expressly permitted by the Agreement or applicable law, attempt to disassemble, extract source code from, reverse engineer or decompile the APIs or access them to build a product or service which competes with the APIs;
  • you will not scrape or develop permanent copies of, or misrepresent the source of, any data or content accessible through the APIs or retain such data or content for longer than indicated by the response to any API calls or otherwise indicated by the Operator (or Tapico on behalf of the Operator);
  • you will comply with the reasonable and lawful instructions of the Operator (or, those of Tapico on behalf of the Operator) in connection with your use of the APIs;
  • you will use all reasonable endeavours to prevent any unauthorised access to, or use of, the APIs, and in the event of any such unauthorised access or use, promptly notify the Operator;
  • you will only permit your authorised employees and contractors who need access for the purpose of operating your App (and, via your App, End Users and Clients) to access the APIs and will ensure that your authorised users keep your API key and any other credentials secure and do not share them with any third party;
  • you will maintain an up-to-date list of current authorised users and provide the Operator (or, at the direction of the Operator, Tapico) with a copy within 72 hours when requested;