Release - 12/12/2020
about 3 years ago by Bradley McInnes
Release Overview
Release fixes a number of bugs and improves scalability. In Addition, there was some tidy up required around the existing API endpoints. Unfortunately this resulted in some breaking changes.
Breaking Changes
GET /CashBalances
- timestamp → updateDateTime
GET /Holdings
- createdDateTime → REMOVED
- instrumentCurrencyCost → REMOVED
- baseCurrencyFxRate → REMOVED
- timestamp → updateDateTime
- baseCurrencyCost → single value replaced with a complex type that returns.
- amount (value)
- currency (ISOCurrencyCode)
- value → value replaced with a complex type that returns.
- amount (value)
- currency (ISOCurrencyCode)
- GET /Transactions
- createdDateTime → REMOVED
- CustomerAccountRole (Object)
- createdDateTime → REMOVED
Other Updates
- Added updatedDateTime as the response for the following endpoints:
- GET /Accounts
- GET /AccountGroups
- GET /Beneficiaries
- GET /CashBalances
- GET /Customers
- GET /Holdings
- GET /Transactions
- API Documention Upgrade
- Changed how our API documentation is formatted. Check it out by login into the Sandbox.