Release - 12/05/2021
about 3 years ago by Bradley McInnes
Release Overview
Subsequent releases we will be introducing versioning for the API. More on that to come. In the meantime please see below for details of this release.
Breaking Changes
Removal of unsupported consent types:
Removed as selectable options the following Open Banking AIS related consents. They are unsupported by the Tapico API.
- ReadDirectDebits
- ReadOffers
- ReadPAN
- ReadProducts
- ReadScheduledPayments
- ReadStandingOrders
POST /payment-instructions
- RiskInformation.DeliveryAddress.CountrySubDivision from array to string
- endToEndIdentification max character length decreased from 35 to 18
- remitterReference max character length decreased from 35 to 18
Other Updates
GET /Addresses - New Endpoint
- In the context of a customer return any addresses (residential, work, postal etc) stored on platform.
Tapico Developer Portal UI Changes
- Consent Page - See an audit trail of the consents against your App
- Application creation / maintenance workflow - Redesigned to separate out the configuration that is core to an App vs configuration that is service pack specific.
PreSigned URLs
- Link (or URL) signing is a technique that can be used by apps to authenticate HTTP requests originating from Tapico using information contained in the URL itself. This adds an additional layer of security for interactions between your application and the Tapico ecosystem.
Consent Flow Changes
- Revamped the look and feel of our consent user journey including optimising for mobile. Error and warning screens added for unhappy paths.